
We are a full-service, full-brain, free-thinking ad agency.

Explore Fuseideas

We offer Strategy, Creative, Media, Web Development, SEO, CRM, Analytics and more, all under one roof.

We’re an independent, “free-thinking” company. With no holding company to answer to, we call our own shots

We offer deep expertise in several vertical specialties: including tourism, energy, retail, higher education, and government regulated agencies.

We believe that when we truly collaborate, as partners, refusing to settle or surrender… SUCCESS AND GLORY will be ours, dear friends.


Everything we do is grounded in great relationships. Our Project Management and Account teams work seamlessly to build everything from single campaigns to full brand architecture in a way that works for your brand. And we do it on time and on budget.

Alec Radzikowski
Account service is about more than sales. It's about partnership. We take great pride in working side-by-side with our clients, helping them form stronger connections with their customers, and driving results that affect the bottom line.


Group Account Director

Our strategy team is equal parts Brand Identity, Brand Positioning, Brand Platform and Brand Personification. They’re ready to be deployed to create smart solutions that tell your Brand’s story in a compelling way that will resonate with your audience.

Steve Mason
From analysis of audience, competition and product we gain insights that drive strategies that connect brands with real people.


EVP Client Services

Simply put, we come up with the ideas that make brands stand out and consumers fall in love. With our creative, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Our art directors and writers develop stories with messages that are designed to drive affinity, action and most of all, results.

There’s been an enormous shift in storytelling over the years. It used to be the product’s story, with all its support points and reasons to believe. Now, thank goodness, the stories are about our customers and their interactions with our products. And that really helps a writer find her ideas.


Creative Director

We have a full team with years of experience building complex websites and interactive experiences. But we also work with your brand to find new opportunities in the digital space that will help maximize your reach and keep your brand relevant in a rapidly-changing marketplace.

Evan Parker
We use technology to solve complex issues, disrupt crowded markets, and to position brands. We specialize in solutions, not any one piece of technology. At the end of the day we let the metrics and data do most of the talking and those are the conversations we love to have.


Senior Developer & Designer

We create opportunities for our brands to engage and interact with consumers on a more personal level. Nothing creates better relationships than real-life experiences. We’re constantly bringing new ideas to the table that give consumers more reasons to love your brand.

Rachel LaManna
From one off, large scale activations, to year-over-year programs, we pride ourselves on our ability to tell deeply compelling brand and product stories that connect consumers to our authentic experiences.


Account Director

We have a full understanding of how each media channel works and how it fits into your purchasing mix. Our team integrates Social, Digital, and Traditional techniques to find the blend that’s tailored to reach your audience. Where, when and how you want.

I think of media planning and buys as a puzzle; every client’s needs present a different challenge of how to identify and reach the right person at just the right time. With a solid plan supported by research and working with our media partners we can negotiate a buy that will be the more efficient and effective solution to that puzzle.


Vice President Integrated Media

The ability to track and measure a consumer’s journey to conversion across all mediums and devices is a fantastic way to gauge the success of a marketing effort. And we have a proprietary dashboard to help you do this. We also offer customized analysis of KPIs and performance to help you see exactly how your campaigns have moved the needle.

Passion provides purpose but data drives decisions.


Associate Director, Performance Analytics

We have a lot of friends and so should you. But it’s more than friends. Every Like, every Share and every Comment are leads, as well as ways to continue and create new relationships. Social Media is an incredibly powerful tool and our team can make it perform even better for you.

Alaine Hansen
Social media is a force to be reckoned with. What I love most about it is that it’s a real game changer. The ever-changing algorithms, new platforms and functionalities make it an incredible challenge. But that’s why I like it because there’s never a dull moment.


Senior Social Media Specialist

Fuseideas provides turnkey sponsorship management and activation to deliver seamless experiences that connect with consumers at the experiential, online, offline and retail level. Services include: strategy and consultation, evaluation and negotiation, creative and activation services, plus measurement and analytics.

Samantha Vogl
Sponsorships can demonstrate shared passion and values, provide storytelling (content), customer acquisition/retention and engage consumers in a non-linear world. The key to success is to identify the right property, negotiate the right assets, and ACTIVATE to drive consumer behavior.

Samantha Vogl

Account Manager