I thought I would take a moment and provide some commentary on what we are going through. I know many of you are experiencing pain, fear, doubt, and a “what the heck is going on the world?” moment. Me too. And when my kids started talking with me about it, I knew: this is real, it’s happening, and though we are not actively protesting, we are part of what is happening.
I believe that the COVID pandemic, and this transformational moment, will define us for a generation. I’m now coming to understand what it means to me, my children, and to us all as country. I am very proud that our agency took a position yesterday on what is happening in our nation right now.
We are in a pandemic. We have millions of people out of work. We have businesses, hospitals, and states in crisis. And now this. A life lost. Voices needing to be heard—but being undone by riots and looters. An angry world trying to find its way.
We need to understand that underlying ALL of this is pain. Everyone is feeling pain, and it took one incident to remind us, and make it explode. Add to that: people are out of work, with feelings of no relief or hope on the horizon. More pain. We have a pandemic with no end in sight. More pain.
But the pain can be stopped. It won’t be easy. It’s going to take hard work.
This is not about politics, but it is about leadership. And that’s something we are missing in our country right now. This is about who we are as a country, and who we want to be as a country. If you apply it to what we do in marketing, this is an example of a brand that has lost its way. Our nation has lost its way. Our messaging is wrong, our positioning is wrong. We need to get it back, as a united country.
What started out as a tragic incident and a life lost has now become a referendum on who we are, who we want to be—as well as who we should be, and NEED to be.
Inclusiveness, respect, dignity, HUMANITY. This is what we should be, and what we need to be.
I am learning to use the last couple of months, and the most recent incident with George Floyd, as an opportunity to learn and to be a better human being. I have learned:
I can be a better human being, and be part of the solution, instead of simply watching it happen in front of me.
I have human freedoms. I’m not going to take them for granted.
I can be a better listener, and be more empathetic to how people are feeling.
I have a voice. Others do not. I am going to help give them a voice.
I can be a leader to help guide people through moments where going forward seems impossible.
I’ve used the last few days take a breath and reflect that we can all be part of the solution. Together.
Promote inclusiveness, promote diversity, denounce injustice. Peacefully. We, as an agency, can use our voice to help. You, as an employee, can use your voice to help.
Join me in becoming a better human being, a better company, and making our country and our world a better place. The only way we can get through this is to unite and say that enough is enough. We are better than this.
Thank you for being part of the solution.
Dennis Franczak, CEO, Fuseideas