Video poster

Connecticut Lottery

Win for Life

Winning the lottery can be very emotional. Even if you didn't buy a ticket.

Video poster
The Challenge
Our Connecticut Lottery clients had traditionally highlighted individual games in their multi-platform campaigns. Quite often, the creative executions were based on the name of the game. But this time, our clients asked us for something conceptual that would touch the hearts of their players. Because Winning for Life can be really emotional. We said OK, we’re gonna make you cry.
A poster showing a burrito advertising Win for Life Connecticut Lottery
A poster showing a hand holding a trophy to advertise Win for Life Connecticut Lottery
The Insight
Whether you call it paying back or paying it forward, it’s an act of kindness and charity that everyone can relate to. And when you can incorporate that sentiment into your creative work, you just might have a message people will remember.
The Solution
Winning for Life is a very big deal, so we could have gone big and celebratory or small and personal. We opted for the latter. To bring our vision to life, we hired a directing team from Iceland known for their authentic filmmaking. Our client still says every time she watches the commercial, she tears up. That makes us happy.
A OOH billboard showing a hand holding a trophy advertising Win for Life Connecticut Lottery
A poster showing 2 people just married on a scooter advertising Win for Life Connecticut Lottery
What Changed
Sales of "Win For Life” tickets skyrocketed from $259,818 during the first week of July 2016 to $864,206 during the second week and again to $943,182 during the third. In August, September, October and November, ticket sales of "Win For Life” averaged over $870,000/week. In December, "Win For Life” ticket sales exceeded $1M in a week (twice!) and reached over $950,000/week in January 2017. The creative won a Silver Hatch Award and was widely praised as being a new, fresh approach that helped build a positive impression of the CT Lottery brand.