Furby with microphone
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The Challenge
After a five-year hiatus, Furby was slated to make its triumphant return. But with the launch came a series of improvements, evolutions, and an even better product. Now, we just had to get the word out so Furby was EVERYWHERE during the holiday season.
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The Insight
Furby gives people permission to be the freest, boldest versions of themselves. And that’s exactly what Furby needed to do to make a splash when they returned.
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The Solution
The world loves a reboot. It’s the perfect blend of nostalgia, relevance, and fun. We decided to re-launch Furby as though they were a celebrity re-entering the spotlight after a little much-needed time off. It was time to bring in some celebrity firepower. Lance Bass and Josh Peck are no strangers to the spotlight, and they’ve had their own ebbs and flows in their career. Lance recently re-entered the spotlight with an ‘NSync reunion and Josh is enjoying a massive resurgence on TikTok. We partnered to create content where they gave Furby advice on how to get back out there and be the freest, fullest version of themselves. We further extended the campaign with Millennial nostalgia influencers and gave people a reason to celebrate the heyday of Furby all over again. Creators “interviewed” Furby and got the lowdown on where they’ve been, what they’re up to now, and what’s still to come for these funny little creatures.
A girl holds a Furby
Furby with microphone
The Results
Our strategic celebrity partnerships targeted over 10M followers and generated 49M views. Josh Peck's content garnered 2.6M views, while Lance Bass saw outstanding results with 46M views, 121,000+ engagements, and 6,000+ saves and shares, boasting an impressive average watch time of 3.9 seconds.