Doctors and medical staff walking down a hospital hallway.

Mass General Hospital

Cancer Genome Project

When can data warehousing and content mapping become life-saving techniques?

A laptop showing a Mass General Hospital website database.
The Challenge
Help Mass General Hospital work to cure cancer. The MGH Cancer Genome Project needed to take six of the most comprehensive Cancer Genome databases in the world and put them all in the same place. That’s a lot of content.
A collection of smart phones showing a Mass General Hospital website database.
A laptop and smart phone showing a Mass General Hospital website database.
The Solution
Turn something complicated into something simple. Our digital team took care of discovery, UI/UX, content mapping, data warehousing, and a whole bunch of other buzz-worthy stuff so cancer patients and their loved ones could more easily access the doctors who specialize in their specific type of cancer—down to the genome.
What Changed
Launched in 2016, access to the site has helped MGH save hundreds of lives. And still counting.
A collection of device screens showing a Mass General Hospital website database.