With over 57 million passengers and nonstop flights to more than 115 destinations around the globe, SFO was definitely earning its title as one the busiest airports in the world. In 2019, they needed an effective and efficient campaign to announce all their new airline services and route additions that were happening on a monthly basis. Fuseideas got on board.
Being quick learners, the agency team understood the basics of retail airline marketing: go to where the passengers are. Who needed to know how many new routes, destinations and nonstop flights SFO was offering? People within the Bay Area who traveled a lot. They were our prime audience and we talked to them where they lived.
Our strategy created high awareness and visibility for New Service announcements and was seen by roughly 150,000 people who pass through SFO’s terminals every day. Plus, we reached a portion of the 430,000 average daily riders on BART. New Service signs and banners appeared whenever possible at the Moscone Center. In addition, we created organic and paid social media featuring contests to win tickets and our carousel messaging appeared on the home page of flysfo.com.
Our New Service campaigns helped SFO realize an average yearly increase in passengers of 4.1% and a total increase of 7.4 million passengers over the five years that we have served as SFO’s Agency of Record. We’re very proud to say, we earned our wings.